Becas Canadienses para Líderes Emergentes para Universidad y Posgrado

becas canadienses

In 2009, Prime Minister Harper announced the Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP) to support the development of human capital and the next generation of leaders in the Americas while strengthening the linkages between postsecondary institutions in Canada and Latin America and the Caribbean.

The scholarships also advance Canada’s objectives for the Americas: democratic governance, peace and security and prosperity in the region.

ELAP Scholarships provide students with short-term exchange opportunities for study or research at the college, undergraduate and graduate levels. As part of the Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program, select graduate-level students will be invited to participate in a study tour focused on Canadian democratic governance and civil society or other key priority areas.

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Programa de Becas de Doctorado en la University of British Columbia en Canadá

The Four Year Doctoral Fellowship (4YF) program will ensure UBC’s best PhD students are provided with financial support of at least $16,000 per year plus tuition for the first four years of their PhD studies. This program allows UBC to continue to attract and support outstanding domestic and international PhD students, and provide those students with stable, base-level funding for the first four years of their PhD studies and research.

Four Year Fellowships may be held by domestic and international students. In general, the fellowships are offered to students beginning their first year of PhD studies, but may be offered to continuing PhD students. In all cases, funding is offered until the end of the fourth year of PhD studies, subject to satisfactory academic progress.

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