Becas 2014 para Investigación Posdoctoral en Modelado de Procesos Paleobiológicos – Noruega

A 3-year position as Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Modeling Paleobiological Processes is available at the Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES), Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo.

The Postdoctoral fellow will be part of the team working on the project “Phanerozoic diversification: linking observation and process” funded by the Research Council of Norway (RCN). The position will be affiliated to CEES, a National Centre of Excellence (NCoE), situated at the Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo.

Processes leading to changes in biological diversity vary in time, space and among groups of organisms. A major source of data for studying diversification processes, including speciation/origination and extinction, immigration, population growth and decline, is the fossil record. However, data from fossil record do not only reflect evolutionary and ecological processes but also preservation and sampling processes that bias observations. We propose to explicitly model both evolutionary processes (the “process” of interest) as well as the imperfect observation of such processes (the “observation” of data) in a coherent process and observation-oriented modelling framework. By applying this approach, we aim to generate robust estimates of diversification using data from the fossil record and to quantify the relative contributions of climate, autecological traits and other biological factors to variation in diversification rates. We also aim to disassemble geographical temporal trajectories of individual fossil taxa to understand meta-population dynamics and their contribution to speciation, origination, migration and extinction.

Fecha cierre de convocatoria: 31 mayo 2014
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