Beca para Cursos de Conservación Biológica – George Mason University

Con el objetivo de hacer frente a los retos de conservación en sus respectivos países y difundir los nuevos conocimientos entre colegas, la escuela de conservación Smithsonian- Mason de la Universidad George Mason en Fairfax, Virginia otorgará una beca parcial o total dirigida a estudiantes que hayan iniciado o estén a la mitad de su carrera, interesados en los cursos de formación de conservación que la universidad ofrece.

El monto de la financiación oscila desde USD $500 a USD $3,000, por lo que la suplementación con otras fuentes de financiación sigue siendo crucial.

Para postularse debe aplicar por internet, como si fuera a aplicar para el curso en línea. Al diligenciar sus datos debe asegurarse de marcar la casilla ” Estoy interesado en ser considerado para una beca SMSC de Formación en Conservación”.

Mayores informes beca

Humane Studies Fellowships 2014 – George Mason University

Humane Studies Fellowships (HSF) are awarded to full-time graduate students embarking on liberty-advancing careers in ideas. Moreover, the fellowships support study in a variety of fields, including economics, philosophy, law, political science, history, and sociology. Awards are up $15,000 and fellowship winners may re-apply for each year of their studies. Since its inception, the Institute for Humane Studies awarded more than $6.5 million to nearly 1800 promising grad students!

But the program provides more than just monetary awards. The fellowships connect winners to a support network to guide them through a successful career in academia. Fellowship winners become preferred candidates for IHS invitation-only programs such as our Career Development Seminars, which help students think strategically about how to succeed in academia, our Colloquia that discuss and refine the fellows’ research, and our Summer Graduate Research Fellowship, which is a non-residential research and writing program that provides participants with the opportunity to complete a publishable scholarly article.

HSF is open to full-time and prospective graduate students, including law students. Exceptional candidates with an evident intention of advancing liberty through other intellectual activities, such as teaching, policy analysis, and law, will also be considered.
Examples of research interests
Past fellows have researched historical and contemporary ideas on freedom of action and association and the rule of law. Some notable research interests include:

  • Market-based approaches to environmental policy.
  • The legal development of privacy and property rights in 18th-century England.
  • The role of patient autonomy in bioethics.
  • Impediments to economic growth in developing countries.
  • The relationship between U.S. presidential politics, fiscal policies, and economic performance.

Fecha cierre de convocatoria: 31 enero 2014
Informes Becas