Beca para Doctorado en Ciencias de la Vida – Ludwig Maximilians University

LSM anuncia la convocatoria de candidaturas del DAAD-LSM para becas completas para doctorandos, que serán financiadas por el DAAD GSSP. Los titulares de las becas se seleccionan en un proceso de múltiples pasos realizado conjuntamente por el DAAD y el LSM. Las decisiones finales y la administración financiera son realizadas por el DAAD.

LSM está buscando solicitantes internacionales altamente motivados con excelentes calificaciones y un fuerte interés científico para solicitar el programa de doctorado en Ciencias de la vida, que no han estado en Alemania más de 15 meses a finales de febrero de 2018.

Los proyectos ofrecidos de este GSSP cubren casi todas las áreas de las ciencias naturales y de la vida de la antropología y de la biología humana, bioquímica, célula y biología de desarrollo, ecología, biología evolutiva, genética, microbiología, biología molecular, Farmacología y ciencias vegetales.

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Becas para Doctorado en Estudios Económicos Basados en la Literatura – Alemania

The DFG Research Training Group sets out to examine the function of literature in processes of globalization from a broad historical perspective, ranging from antiquity to the present day. Research interests focus on the question of how literature may be both a product and an active generator or producer of the cultural, economic, and political dynamics, collectively described as globalization. Researchers work in close consultation with a group of supervisors whose fields of competence include literature written in English, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, and other languages. The study program, including critical theory and theories of globalization, is designed to provide a forum for intense exchange between fellows, professors, and visiting scholars from the fields of both literary studies and social studies. A more detailed account of the research program (in German) can be found at:

Applications (in English or German) are invited from highly-qualified graduate students. Applicants should have a university degree equivalent to Master level in literature, with a G.P.A. above the average. In exceptional cases, admission is possible on the basis of a B.A. (honours). Their research projects should contribute to the thematic focus of the Research Training Group. Therefor, the outline of the research project should make an explicit connection to the research profile of the group. Projects that include the exploration of earlier historical periods are particularly welcome.

Teaching and discussions will be bilingual. Applicants must therefore have an adequate comprehension level of both English and German, and speak at least one of these languages fluently. Please provide some evidence and/or documentation of your language competence.

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