Becas del Vicecanciller de Excelencia – Swinburne University of Technology

Los beneficiarios reciben $5,000 por año durante la duración normal de su grado elegido, un pago único de $2,000 a la experiencia de un estudio internacional y un lugar garantizado en el alojamiento de los estudiantes de Swinburne.

NOTA: Los becarios se les garantiza un lugar en la residencia de estudiantes de Swinburne en el semestre 1 en el alojamiento de múltiples acciones. Semestre 2 alojamiento está sujeto a disponibilidad. Se dará prioridad a los estudiantes que viven a 80 kilómetros o más lejos de espino. Todavía es necesaria una aplicación para vivir en el campus.

Mayores informes beca

Becas de Posgrado para Australia

IPRS enables international students to undertake a postgraduate research qualification in Australia and gain experience with leading Australian researchers.

Scholarships are open to international students of all countries (except New Zealand) and are available for a period of two years for a research masters degree or three years for a research doctorate degree. The scholarship covers tuition fees and health cover costs for scholarship holders, and health cover costs for their dependants. From 2011, commencing IPRS recipients will be able to apply for an Australian Postgraduate Award.

A total of 330 IPRS places are awarded to HEPs each year at a cost of around $20m per annum. Section 46 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 and the Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2012 provide the legislative basis for the provision of funding to this scheme. The department is currently consulting with the sector and stakeholders on changes to the guidelines.

The allocation of IPRS funding to participating universities is based on a formula that is reflective of their overall research performance.

Important note: Applications for an IPRS need to be made directly to participating universities.
Mayores informes