Becas de Investigación en Protección Climática y Conservación de Recursos Naturales Dirigidas a Países en Desarrollo – Alemania

The International Climate Protection Fellowships enable prospective leaders to conduct a research-related project of their own choice during a one-year stay in Germany. Submit an application if you are a prospective leader from a non-European threshold or developing country working in the field of climate protection and resource conservation in academia, business or administration in your country. Applicants must provide a clearly visible leadership potential either by experience in a first leadership position or be able to provide appropriate references. They must also have completed their first university degree (Bachelor’s or equivalent academic degree) less than 12 years prior to the start of the fellowship (1 September 2013) with outstanding results. They must also have extensive professional experience in a leadership role (at least 48 months at the time of application) or hold a further academic or professional qualification. Furthermore, they are expected to have gained initial practical experience through involvement in projects related to climate protection and resource conservation. The fellowship will enable the recipients to conduct a research-related project of their own choice with hosts in Germany whom they are free to choose themselves.
The programme, which is being funded under the International Climate Initiative by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, includes a preparatory intensive language course in Germany, a several-week introductory seminar, a several-day training course and a final meeting in Berlin. These activities will enable you to gain additional insights into academic, social, cultural, economic and political life in Germany.
In addition to applicants who have been trained in the natural and engineering sciences, candidates who have been engaged in legal, economic and societal issues relating to climate change are encouraged to apply for this programme. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is granting up to 15 International Climate Protection Fellowships to prospective leaders from the countries named. The call is subject to the approval of sufficient financial means to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

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Becas para Investigación en Historia y Antropología Andina

La Fondazione Sandra Sánchez, instituida en Padova (Italia) y FLACSO- Argentina, ofrecen 4 becas de investigación anuales sobre Historia y Antropología del Mundo Andino, con una dotación de 3.000 dólares cada una, no renovables.

La adjudicación de los subsidios y el seguimiento del desempeño de los investigadores estarán a cargo de un Comité Académico formado por profesionales de conocida trayectoria. Los fondos se entregarán en dos momentos: 50% con la adjudicación, y 50% al recibimiento del informe de avance.

Los solicitantes deben ser graduados latinoamericanos (con título de Licenciado o equivalente, como mínimo) en Historia, Antropología y Arqueología, o carreras afines con orientación histórica o antropológica, menores de 35 años. Sus proyectos de investigación deben involucrar sustancial trabajo de investigación histórica en archivos.

Requisitos para la presentación: fotocopia del título, Curriculum vitae abreviado (5 páginas máximo), proyecto de investigación de no más de 4 páginas de extensión (2 copias impresas y diskette; éste debe contener antecedentes del tema, objetivos e hipótesis, metodología, documentación y una breve bibliografía), cronograma de tareas, dos cartas de referencia. Para envíos e informes dirigirse a Ana Palazzesi – Becas Sandra Sánchez, Oficina 25 FLACSO Argentina, Ayacucho 551, (1026) Ciudad de Buenos Aires, de 13:30 a 17:30hs, TE 4375-2435 int. 357, FAX (54-11) 4375- 1373, antropologí,

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