Beca de Investigación en Diseño Análogo/Digital IC o ASIP – Chosun University – Corea

The Department of Information and Communication Engineering at Chosun University, Korea invites application for research position. The position is open for the International students. The research area is analog/digital IC design or ASIP design for signal processing and communication. The students will be given financial support for tuition fees and living expenses.

Study Subject(s): The research area is Analog/Digital IC design or ASIP design for signal processing and communication.

Course Level: The scholarship is available for pursuing research program at Chosun University, Korea.

Scholarship Provider: Dept. of Information and Communication Eng., Chosun University, GwangJu, Korea

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Becas para Universidad y Posgrado del Gobierno de Taiwán

International education and training has long been one of the TaiwanICDF’s core operations, among many others. Human resources development programs play a vital role in assisting partner countries achieve sustainable development, and education is a crucial mechanism for training workforces in developing countries. The TaiwanICDF provides scholarships for higher education and has developed undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. programs in cooperation with renowned partner universities in Taiwan.
Entitlements: The TaiwanICDF provides each scholarship recipient with a full scholarship, including return airfare, housing, tuition and credit fees, insurance, textbook costs and a monthly allowance.

The TaiwanICDF has established the Taiwan International Cooperation Alliance (TICA) with its partner universities, setting up an operational platform under this TICA framework to manage and improve the scholarship program. More information about each of the programs offered through the TaiwanICDF International Higher Education Scholarship Program can be found on the relevant partner university’s website (links are also provided under each program introduction provided as part of the following list of partner universities).

Applicants applying for a TaiwanICDF scholarship must meet both the general eligibility criteria and be a national of a country on the List of Countries Eligible for TaiwanICDF Scholarship. Applicants must also meet the Regulations Governing Visiting, Resident, and Permanent Residency of Aliens set by ROC(Taiwan) National Immigration Agency.

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