Reto para Becas de Maestría en Negocios – LUIIS

Se presenta un reto a llenar para poder optar a una beca completa para estudios de maestría en la LUISS – Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli en cualquiera de sus tres programas.

Solo tienes que seguir las instrucciones y llevar a cabo el proceso en forma.

Fecha cierre convocatoria beca 26 mayo 2017
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Association Alumni MBA LUISS BS International Scholarship 2015 – Italia

In order to encourage participation of excellent candidates in the MBA program of LUISS Business School, the Association Alumni MBA LUISS BS is seeking nominations by alumni MBA of applicants who can demonstrate potential to contribute to the enhancement of the Association Alumni MBA LUISS BS network. The applicants must demonstrate international experience and strong consideration will be given to those that can also demonstrate commitment to social and environmental sustainable development and with experience in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Towards this end, the Association Alumni MBA LUISS BS is pleased to announce the Association Alumni MBA LUISS BS International Scholarship for the 25th Edition of the Master in Business Administration: An International Program. As candidates in the MBA program, they must first satisfy the requirements of LUISS Business School for admission to its MBA program. The scholarship will cover the full tuition fees, equivalent to 27,000.00 EUR.

Fecha cierre de convocatoria: 30 mayo 2015
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